Laura Marenco



Keri is the perfect example of BODY RECOMPOSITION where she has lost body fat and gained muscle. The number on the scale is the same but the change in the way her body looks is evident! Not to mention, her strenght, energy and overall wellbeing have improved! Keri eats plenty of food without avoiding carbs and the occasional treat. Changes like this take time, patience and consistency. The secret is to be able to enjoy the process! This has not been a “diet” for her but rather a LIFESTYLE transformation! One of the reasons why she has stuck through it is the fact that she is not feeling deprived, she is not exhausted and she loves the variety of foods she eats! Plus! she loves to lift!


Somy is 40 years old.. She’s a mom and full time professional. She has been lifting for a while but had not been able to figure out how to lose body fat. We switched to different food sources and also increased amounts. We kept cardio minimal and she has had amazing success! .
